* *
* Jet Airways International Flights *
* AI Traffic Flightplans *
* 2004 April - 2004 November *
* Released Date - 2004 May 27 *
* Developed by - Arjuna Chiththananda *
* EMail - KAEChith@Mail.COM *
* *

First of all Thank you for downloading this flightplan.

Changes in version 2
1. Addition of the compiled BGL file. Now you only needs to copy "TrafficJetAirways.bgl" file in to YOUR_FS200?_FOLDER\Scenery\World\Scenery folder. So Traffic Tools is not needed. Then you have to download the aircrafts and install them. Then change their "Title" as shown below.

Use AC#4000,477,"Boeing 737-800 Jet Airways".

You can find title in the "Aircraft.cfg" file inside the aircraft's folder.

For your benifit I have included the code for these Jet Airways International flights. So if you need you can even compile the code using Traffic Tools.

Following is the complete international flight plan of Jet Airways which is a constantly growing airline in India, renowned as the best domestic Indian airline.
It flies 42 destinations in India. As international flights it flies to Sri Lanka daily.
Jet Airways consists of B737-900 x 01, B737-800 x 13, B737-700 x 12, B737-400 x 08, ATR72-500 x 08. Into a total number of 42.

So if you need the reality in it's best,

Aircraft Type
Find Jet Airways B737 repaint and use it for AC#4000

You have to use Traffic tools to compile the following codes into Microsoft Flight Simulator. (If you dont know how please contact me.) I have firstly tested this on FS2002 it works, you must use Traffic Tools version 1.33 when compiling for FS2002. Secondly I tested this on FS2004. It works perfectly. When compiling for FS2004 you must use Traffic Tools version 2.02 or newer version. If you used an earlier version of Traffic Tools you will find that the planes are not landing, instead they are doing Go-Arounds for three times and dissappears.

Using Traffic Tools 2.02 - Simply move the file "FlightPlansJetAirways" into the Traffic Tools folder and compile.

If you need any help don't hesitate to contact me. I will try to solve your problem, but it depends on the free time I got, so if I didn't respond don't get angry with me.
This is a freeware, so distribute this as you like, but keep in mind that you have to mention the DEVELOPER and attach this Readme with the flightplans.

Hope you enjoy this.